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Name FundSERV Type Term Price Issue Date Maturity Date
image description  NBC Barrier Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on November 3, 2028 NBC25054 NPPN 6 years $108.04 03-Nov-2022 03-Nov-2028
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (No Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on October 31, 2029 NBC25274 NPPN 7 years $95.35 31-Oct-2022 31-Oct-2029
image description  NBC Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, due on October 12, 2027 NBC25273 NPPN 5 years $120.27 11-Oct-2022 12-Oct-2027
image description  NBC Barrier Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on July 4, 2029 NBC25053 NPPN 7 years $97.63 04-Jul-2022 04-Jul-2029
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Canadian market, Class F, due on March 14, 2028 NBC25272 NPPN 5.8 years $112.90 14-Jun-2022 14-Mar-2028
image description  NBC Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Canadian market, Class F, due on May 9, 2025 NBC25052 NPPN 3 years $108.22 09-May-2022 09-May-2025
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Canadian market, Class F, due on May 10, 2027 NBC25271 NPPN 5 years $104.78 09-May-2022 10-May-2027
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, due on May 4, 2029 NBC25269 NPPN 7 years $73.20 04-May-2022 04-May-2029
image description  NBC Barrier Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Equal Weight Canada Banks 5% AR Index, due on May 3, 2029 NBC25050 NPPN 7 years $91.61 03-May-2022 03-May-2029
image description  NBC Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the American market, Class F, due on November 3, 2027 NBC25051 NPPN 5.5 years $122.81 03-May-2022 03-Nov-2027
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (No Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on April 26, 2029 NBC25270 NPPN 7 years $73.72 26-Apr-2022 26-Apr-2029
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) with Low Point Note Securities (No Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on April 5, 2028 NBC25267 NPPN 6 years $87.83 05-Apr-2022 05-Apr-2028
image description  NBC Marathon™ (Accelerator) Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Equal Weight Canada Banks 5% AR Index, due on April 4, 2029 NBC25266 NPPN 7 years $74.59 04-Apr-2022 04-Apr-2029
image description  NBC Barrier Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, Class F, due on April 2, 2029 NBC25049 NPPN 7 years $80.73 01-Apr-2022 02-Apr-2029
image description  NBC Barrier Booster Note Securities (Maturity-Monitored Barrier) linked to the Solactive Canada Bank 40 AR Index, due on April 2, 2029 NBC25047 NPPN 7.1 years $76.36 30-Mar-2022 02-Apr-2029
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